I just wanted to take the time to personally thank Yodariquo for his work and skill in making this place and the past place, what it is and was.
Without him, I would probably still be stuck in the wilderness at 1up and would have probably lost contact with a lot of good online friends.
He's done a fantastic job technically and a lot of the work writing up stories each week for the front page.
Also I wanted to thank Iga too, for taking half the brunt of the updates too. :)
You guys are great.
So tribute to two men :P
Recently Spotted:
SupremeAC (6m)
Sat, 28 Feb 2009 20:14:29
This is only because I used sans-serif fonts. Just wait, soon enough this will turn into hate mail.
gamingeek said:
Mon, 02 Mar 2009 16:09:02
You have no panache and I am still invisible typing. YODA now I renege my tribute. Why are comments white on white?
3 days, not bad
Hear Hear. Tie to add a "Donate" button Yoda, this !@#$ has to be costing you.