Obviously a play on Dvaders: I got a game and completed it thread. :P
Wondering why more people don't do this.
Contrary to opinion these threads that I have made which are 6 + pages long actually don't have a lot of replies. They are on the front page because whenever there are new screens, previews or videos, I update them. And a large ream of screenshots can push a thread into multiple pages.
I don't think I remember a case of your guys picking up on a game early and following its progress up until release.
Is there any reason for this? Why don't you update your threads?
If I let them die, perhaps the board wouldn't have this so called "too nintendo centric" facade. Or perhaps, if you guys actually did the same for the games you are interested in, other people would have the chance to become more interested in those games?
If someone were to post updates for a game i wasn't familiar with for a long time I would follow and read the important parts and perhaps become more and more enthusiastic about said game until I decided to buy it.
So what games in development are you pumped about the most at the moment?
Not that there'd be a great deal of reason to go into a screens thread without pictures, but with your bandwidth cap it would be worth looking at, if you haven't already, setting a browser shortcut to disable images.
I have JavaScript toggled in Opera by pressing F7, and could do the same thing with images if I so desired. Opera also as of version 10 introduced Opera Turbo, which uses a server to compress the data before sending it to you.
You should do yourself a favour and avoid Bioshock altogether
I kid, I kid!