We have all found some cool, hidden stuff in our favorite games. Talk about your favorites that you have found.
My all time favorite is finding Mario characters in Ocarina of Time.
I also love trying to find all of the pieces of cheese in Perfect Dark.
How many found this one in San Andreas?
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robio (4m)
Wow, slow day today.
Okay, the first two that pop in mind are the Akuma and Viewtiful Joe references in Okami.
I also remember a weird one in Goldeneye, in the facility level, you had a chemistry set on top of a ventilation shaft. Why it was up there, no one knows, people even asked Rare about it but they did not know either.
Twilight Princess
Go to Hena's fishing hut and you can see a picture of the fisherman that was in Ocarina of Time. Nice touch that.
Metroid Prime 3 had a reference to Metroid Dread. Damn you Retro, why must you mock us?
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
Pretty much the whole game is easter eggs and references to other things.
DKC2 featured a segment where you could see Sonic's shoes and Earthworm Jim's gun both next to a bin, as well as few other references to Mario and Killer Instinct.
Donkey Kong 64 included playable versions of Donkey Kong and Jetpac. You could doubt them being easter eggs (since playing them is required to beat the game), but it was a very cool idea, and a nice easter egg nonetheless.
More recently, Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts had one of the characters talking about how Rare are planning to bring back franchises such as Jet Force Gemini, Battletoads and Grabbed by the Ghoulies - each by name. Of course, it's probably never going to happen, but hey, it's a cool thing none the less.
Some other favourites:
*Finding the crashed UFO in Fallout 3...then learning that the last expansion pack will be based around that concept!
*Totaka's song. Look it up on YouTube.
What about the audio about UFO's in MGS4? Anyone remember that?