SupremeAC said:Gagan, I agree with Vader in that you can't go comparing a console game to mods on PC...
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:41:56
edgecrusher said:This is an odd generation, and its partly the Xbox 360 generation that's to blame. ...
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:13:26
SupremeAC said:So you're both saying that you regret buying the 3DS because there's less stellar 3rd...
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:55:28
Foolz said:Gagan said:Halo 5 multiplayer. Apparently they added a campaign that is like The Power Ra...
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:44:11
Dvader said: Amazingly ignorant post. LBP was not just a creation tool, it was a game platform that ...
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:38:01
Dvader said:robio said:
It's really amazing when you find a person that holds an opinion that is sh...
Tue, 27 Oct 2015 17:26:05
Halo 5 multiplayer. Apparently they added a campaign that is like The Power Rangers if the Power Ran...
Tue, 27 Oct 2015 11:46:47
Congrats on the A-rank. Did it with a squad or had to suffer randoms?...
Tue, 27 Oct 2015 06:37:46
SupremeAC said:I can understand how people feel underwhelmed by the 3DS. I don't own many...
Tue, 27 Oct 2015 06:36:07
Burned? Eh, No.
Although right now it's been all star performance from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintend...
Sun, 25 Oct 2015 04:11:13
SupremeAC said:Gagan said:I think telling someone that if the style and presentation isn't their cup...
Fri, 23 Oct 2015 12:12:45
Who is home and free right now to play video games with Gagan?
I have the day off from work, and I'...
Fri, 23 Oct 2015 11:40:31
What?Nevermind.Gagan said:
Sony and Microsoft make way more of an effort to grab indie projects or ...
Wed, 21 Oct 2015 14:02:24
I think telling someone that if the style and presentation isn't their cup of tea is a bit much. ...
Wed, 21 Oct 2015 13:53:39
SupremeAC said:travo said:I am a little tempted to get it. Maybe I'll rent it.Lucky you.&...
Mon, 19 Oct 2015 09:51:47
Seconding the argument of Little Big Planet is dog shit on a disc. I like sackboy and how charming t...
Mon, 19 Oct 2015 09:49:32
Don't you have a good PC? It would be silly to settle for the 30 faps version of Fallout 4. ...
Mon, 19 Oct 2015 09:47:45
27. Beat Hell Divers - 8/10This game is rad. Dope trophy system. 28. Beat Wolfenstein: The Old Blood...
Sat, 17 Oct 2015 13:15:02
Iga_Bobovic said:travo said:Developers gotta eat and if they see Nintendo as a dead system, then why...
Sat, 17 Oct 2015 07:33:00
I did purchase Splatoon, and Codename Steam (that game is not good though).It's a good game. It and ...
Fri, 16 Oct 2015 18:23:46
gamingeek said:COD2, Condemned and two rare games and in highsight none of them were really great. I...
Fri, 16 Oct 2015 18:17:14
PC. Now and forever.Wii won sales, and sure some of its library had some unique, fresh, and distinct...
Fri, 16 Oct 2015 18:03:46
Silent Hill 2
I don't know if I'll ever move past a top 3 games of all time (Super Metroid, Resident...
Mon, 12 Oct 2015 09:41:51
The European gamers got it right.The Americans, Canadians, and Aussies fucked up. ...
Mon, 12 Oct 2015 09:33:38
Wasteland is nothing like Xcom, or even old Xcom. It's Wasteland, a crpg, Xenonauts is al ot like Xc...
Mon, 12 Oct 2015 09:30:34
In Chapter 1 or Chapter 2?
Because I would argue the main missions in Chapter 1 are perfectly fine, ...
Sat, 10 Oct 2015 18:14:34
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